
Tough day. It's been several wars and fights here. However, we ended the day by the fire eating chestnuts (kastanjer). That was cozy. Still exhausted though, gotta get some sleep. 
But first I will enjoy some eye candy; watching "Blow" with Johnny Depp. 
Nighty night



Llueve a cántaros

Llueve a cántaros! It's raining cats and dogs! or like we say in Sweden - Det ösregnar (eller pissregnar!!) I don’t know if I’d rather have rain or snow though. At least it’s not so cold anymore.


Today Wednesday, I won’t do much else than driving and picking up the kids to/from school. Since I’ll pick them up for lunchtime as well as when they finish at 5, I usually spend Wednesdays at the gym. First one cardio- and strength workout, and during the afternoon it’s “Zumba” (at least they call it Zumba) I really miss dancing. Luckily there are plenty of clubs in Barcelona to choose from.


I’m gonna continue reading my book now.


Talk to you later,

 "Tener buenas intenciones no es suficiente: debes transformar esas intenciones en acciones positivas. Si quieres ser feliz, debes crear las causas para serlo." 

Sweden vs. Spain

I’ve have traveled a lot in my life. Actually I’ve been halfway around the world. But visiting a foreign country is certainly not the same as living in another country. Besides my 4,5 weeks-visit in Alanya last summer, I’ve never been abroad longer than 2 weeks at a time.


There are certain things that have surprised me about Catalonia, Spain. For example; the dinnertimes!! Not only just dinner, all meals in general. Lunchtime for me is between 11:30-13 (depending when you had breakfast and so on) In Spain, on the other hand, lunch is normally between 14-16. This Saturday la madre told me that they should be home after lunchtime. I thought she meant like 13-14, she meant 18:00.. Dinner though, isn’t that important. For the kids, yes, but the adults usually grab a sandwich, yogurt with fruit or just a coop of tea.  I just don’t get it. I always eat dinner with the kids, watching Catalan cartoons.


Regarding the food habits, a lot is different from what I’m used to. My first day here we had fish, potatoes, vegetables and some salad (the salad is an important part of the meal, always with olive oil and salt on top - loooove it!). I did as I always do; took one piece of fish on one side, potatoes on the other, and a lot of salad. They all starred at me and wonder what I was doing. They were completely shocked that I mixed everything on the same plate. In Spain, you start with the vegetables. First plate with potatoes and vegetables, second plate with just fish. If you mix all food the flavors will obviously be mixed as well, which is not good. The salad is for sharing; everyone eats straight from the salad plate (yes - plate, no bowl). I still prefer mixing the food though, but I’m trying not to.

There are alot more differences, but I'm saving them for another time.
Here are some typical Spanish/Catalan meals that I've had.

Tomato salad with anchovies and cheese
Mixed mediterranean salad
My first paella
Pan con tomate (bred with tomato) and salad



Just woke up from an hour's powernap. Had some lunch (lunchtime =between 14-16, so freaky) and now I'm just about go and get la niña/the girl. She finish at 5 but I have to be there in time in order to find a parking. That's the only negative thing about having a car here - the parking-part. Hate it. People paralell park (fickparkerar) like nuts here, and if you happen to hit another car it's no problem. No one cares anyway. Except for me of course, I freak out and hurry away as fast as possible! 
Later today I'll tell you more about some culture shocks I've experienced so far. I'll never forget my first time at the supermarket...
Hasta ahora!!

La familia

“Mi familia” consists of the 2 children, the mother and the grandparents. The house is divided into 2 parts; the grandparents got their side and vice versa. I, on the other hand, I pretty much have my own floor. It’s really big; I’m kind of used living in a big house though.

Since my duty here is taking care of the children, I spend a lot of time with them. Every morning I drive them to school, and pick them up while finishing. 2 days a week I also bring them home for lunch. The school system is very different here compared to Sweden. They start at 9 and finish at 17, every day! After that, they usually have some activity to do (swimming- or painting classes) so we’re basically never home earlier than 18-19, sometimes even later.


The boy is 3 and the girl is 8. Although it’s tough days for them, I think they handle it really good. Since the girl has more or less the same amount of homework as I had in secondary school/högstadiet (!!!!!!), we do a lot of homework. There isn’t much time for playing because of the long days, so I usually go with them to the park for a while before we’re taking the car home.


Regarding the languages, it’s much mixing here. Since their (the whole family’s) mother tongue is Catalan, they speak Catalan with each other. But when I’m around, they speak Castellano (Spanish). I always talk to them in Spanish, besides with the girl. I try talking to her in English as much as possible.


Since this is Catalonia; the people are bilingual. By that I mean, they speak both Catalan and Castellano fluently. Thank God, cause Catalan can be really weird. I understand a lot though, it’s a mix of French and Spanish. In school, the kids study them both. They must master both of them equally well if they want to continue studying after graduation. English, on the other hand, does not have the same priority. Hardly anyone speaks (or even understands) English here.


Now I’m gonna keep on doing nothing, really hoping I’ll feel better tomorrow. I just can’t stand not doing anything. I’m climbing the walls soon!

Hasta ahora,


Infront of the house
My Ferrari
The backyard
My bed

Buen karma

Buenos dias todo el mundo,
I just dropped the kids off at school and right now I’m having breakfast while planning my day. Before I even start writing I wanted to explain that this blogg will be in English only (mixed with some Spanish and Swedish of course). I figured it was the best way since the only Swedish person I actually know here are my friends Louise (http://aupairbarcelona.blogg.se/) and Mina, and I want my Spanish/German/English/American friends will be able to read as well so..
Anyhow, last week I decided that it was time to step up some levels with my Spanish learning. That’s to say - start reading! And since my room is half a library, I had quit some books to choose from. After having read an old textbook about the history of literature, I find Buddah; “Buen Karma” (Good Karma). Interesting and instructive (lärorik) at the same time. Hopefully I will improve my Spanish and become a better person at the same time! Karma isn’t a bitch unless you are, right?
Well, I have heard (and seen pictures) about the weather in Sweden right now, but I’ve gotta tell you - It’s FREEZING here. I really wasn’t prepared for this. Hardly didn’t brought any winter clothes at all. Luckily they let me borrow anything I need here, but still I miss my jackets from home. Not to mention all my scarves!! Now I’m gonna clean up a bit in the kitchen (I’ve turned into a real housewife!!) and then I will tell you a little about mi familia over here.
Talk to you soon, Jessie


Efter 19 dagar som utlandssvensk så har jag äntligen lyckats fixa en blogg, eller rättare sagt; min fina vän Amanda Astner (http://astneramanda.blogg.se/) har fixat den åt mig. Tack love! 
Anyway, jag tänker inte skriva någon lång presentation. Livet här borta flyter på bra. Jag trivs. Får prata Spanska hela dagarna, har min egen bil, familjen är underbar, tränar på ett jättebra gym, har en stor säng och ett eget badrum, äter god mat och kan lätt ta mig in till city när jag vill. Idag däremot är det mesta negativt. Efter en grym (men ack så blåsig och kall) helg i Barcelona så känner jag mig inte så pigg. Jag som hade tänkt gå ut och springa idag (här springer verkligen alla, måste passa in), men det sket sig.  
After 19 days in Spain I've finally managed to make a blog, or frankly; my very good friend Amanda Astner made it for me. Thank you xx!
Anyway, I wasn't planning on writing a long presentation.. Everything's fine over here. I like it. I speak spanish all day long, have my own car, living with a wonderful family, training at a great gym, have a really nice bed and my own bathroom, eating delicious food and I can go to the city anytime I want. Today, however, is not all about positivity. After an awesome (yet windy and freezing) weekend in Barcelona, I'm not feeling very well. My plan was to go out jogging today (everyone is jogging around here, gotta fit in) but I guess it will have to wait.
Here are some pics from the weekend. Just a mix of everything; the amazing marked me and Louise went to, drawers at La Ramla, the beach, Paul, Jazz, Louise, Kyle and I at some bar at Placa de Real etc.. 


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